Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Bottle Issues

To all the breastfeeding moms that read my blog...I need your help! Rose has been doing such a great job nursing, and we are really enjoying it! But, there are occasional times that I need to get out to run errands or feed Rose in a public place. Recently, she WILL NOT take a bottle! Did any of you have that problem? She makes a really confused face when I put the nipple in her mouth, and she tries to start sucking, but she just can't! The milk dribbles all over the place and she gags. She ends up crying and I practically end up crying too because its so sad to see her struggle. Any advice??? We have been using Dr. Brown's bottles and I tried using a different bottle (Adiri) that is shaped like the breast and is actually soft, but that didn't work. Please help us if you can!


mary keever said...

Hey Jill! We had the same problem around 3 months. How often have you been giving her a bottle? We had to start Elly a little early (10 days old) and after that gave her a bottle every other day at least. But, when she started nursery, she did not want to eat there. We just kept trying. Getting her to eat there was a gradual process. Are you giving her the bottle or is someone else? She may not take it from you because she knows she can nurse. Email me if you want to hear more...

e said...

Jack did this too! Playtex nursers and warm milk did the trick! Good luck!

Kelly said...

Hey Jill! We also went through this with Anna Reese. I think every baby has their own "bottle preference." We went through four brands before we found one that Anna Reese liked. The only bottle she would take was the Playtex nurser (nipple level: slow). Some of the other brands were just too fast with the flow and she would choke on the milk. She also uses the born free bottles now. We would give her a bottle every other day to try and get her used to it and eventually she caught on. Hope this helps!

The Dennis Family said...

Hey! I juat started using a bottle with Asa for the same reason - and he does great with the AVENT bottles - I hope that helps Jilly!!