Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Ballpark

Last Saturday we went to the ballpark with Pops to see William play baseball for the first time. His team is the Grasshoppers and William loves it! Here is a picture of him after he scored for his team! He loved running the bases :)

Jay and Rose played on the playground after the game.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A Tale of Two Trips

Since it was such a gorgeous day on Tuesday, we decided to head to the beach for the day with Sarah Beth to visit Bryant, Jacqueline, and Meryl. We started the day on Bryant's little beach at the Wood's Ono house. Rose literally dragged Bryant straight to the water! She loved it!
Toes in the water for the first time this year.

I love how Rose copied Bryant!

After playing on the beach, we all headed over to Jacqueline's condo at Caribe for lunch. Then Mrs. Elena sat with the girls while they napped so we could lay out at the pool. It was such a wonderful treat to lay in the sun for 2 hours without any responsibility!!! After their naps, Meryl and Rose played and shared snacks before we headed home for the night.
After such a fun day, we returned home just in time to eat dinner, take a bath, and hop in bed. Or so I thought. Little did I know Rose was about to have her first trip to the ER...
I had a 9 by 13 glass casserole dish on a table in the foyer and was planning on returning it to my Mom. As we walked in from the beach, I threw Rose's blankie on the table and it landed on top of the dish. While I was heating up Rose's dinner, she ventured into the foyer, saw her beloved blankie on top of the table, and grabbed the closest thing she could reach...the casserole dish. It landed on her precious big toe on her right foot and all I heard was a loud thud and Rose screaming. I ran into the room, picked up Rose, told her she was OK and that it just scared her. But then I felt something dripping down my leg and saw that there was blood everywhere. I am usually a total freak when it comes to situations like this but thank God I didn't panic and lose it as I was home alone and Rose needed me to handle the situation like the adult that I am! I may have overreacted by calling 911, but I was worried she had lost part of her toe... there was so much blood and I couldn't see where it was coming from on her toe. Literally less than 5 minutes later, 4 firemen were at my house. They took 1 look at her foot and told me I needed to go to the ER for stitches. Luckily my Dad was on his way and we jumped in his car and headed to Springhill Memorial. After a relatively short ER visit (which lasted about 2 hours but seemed like 10) we made it home. They did an x-ray and saw that poor Rose has a fractured bone in her toe, a bad gash, and a toenail that is turning black and will probably fall off eventually. She was SUCH A TROOPER and is recovering nicely. She wants to walk and play as normal, but has a hard time because it hurts to put any pressure on her foot. I'm hoping she will start feeling better by the beginning of next week. I just thank God that it wasn't worse!
Ready to go home. She was exhausted and so were we! Thank you Daddy for taking such great care of us!!!
See the little bear she is holding? They gave it to us when we checked in and Rose didn't let it go the entire night. This morning I noticed that it had a little tag on the back telling me it was made by members of a local church. So, I called the church to let them know how comforting it was for Rose and they told me that 10 ladies make 360 boo bears a month for all of the local hospitals! Wow!! Thats alot of sewing! I just wanted them to know how much we appreciated their gift at such an unfortunate time!